November, month of the transmission-recovery of VSEs-SMEs

2022-10-15 10:18:04 By : Ms. Tina STW

Home > Press releases > November, month of the transfer-recovery of VSEs-SMEsVector of jobs, the transfer-resumption of VSEs contributes to the maintenance of the local economic fabric, and if it does not succeed, in the event of cessation of activity, it is a disappearance of know-how and jobs.In New Aquitaine, more than 110,477 VSE company managers are over 55 years old, in the crafts, commerce, industry and services sectors, i.e. 34.40% of the total number of companies in less than 10 employees in the region.In France, business transfer is a real economic and social issue.Each year, only half of the businesses likely to be passed on are actually passed on.Since 2018, the Region has initiated partnership work around the Transmission Month to make this issue a real regional cause mobilizing all the economic partners (CCI, CMA, URSCOP, NA Initiatives, Réseau Entreprendre, FFB, the centers approved management companies, EPCIs, etc.).The objective is to inform the general public as well as business leaders of the support and assistance that can be offered to them in this context and to arouse the desire to transfer or take over a business.For this fifth edition, which will be punctuated by several highlights, around thirty events will be organized in New Aquitaine.Accessible online on the Region's website, an agenda presents all the events (fairs, forums, B2B meetings, etc.) organized throughout the territory of New Aquitaine: follow this linkThis forum is moderated a priori: your contribution will only appear after being validated by a site administrator.Please leave this field empty:To create paragraphs, you simply leave blank lines.Please leave this field empty:Anti-spam control: enter the result of the following additionPlease leave this field empty: